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Augmented Reality Projects

AR Exterior Design


Augmented Reality

Adobe Aero

Project Type
Design Concept

Landscape Design

During my UX Design program, we studied various AR platforms. At the time, we were in the process of remodeling our backyard and my partner was having difficulty imagining the backyard design.

To help out, I started off by figuring out the dimensions of the furniture that would be placed in the area. I created 3D mockups of furniture and utilized assets in Blender. From there, they were imported into Adobe Aero. This allowed me to place the furniture in the backyard and provide a visual and a sense of space.



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AR Stickers


Spark AR

Project Type
Design Concept


While studying target tracking, we had to create an AR experience using SparkAR. When a piece of artwork was scanned, a new version of the artwork had to be created. I choose to use one of my sticker designs. Here is the result of my Moab sticker when scanned using SparkAR.  

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